Hsinchu Science Park said that the production value of IC design will continue to grow by 40% and become number one in the world. The Hsinchu Science Park said that the value of revenue from January to August was U.S. $ 22:34 billion) rise as much as 3.36% disbanding with the previous year. With the value of revenue it can be seen that the production value of Taiwan IC design is sebensar U.S. $ 5,015 billion, up 24.85% as disbanding the previous year and at that time Taiwan has been ranked at number two.
IC design industry is the most revenuenya and in the sequence number one compared with the six other sector. Located in the order of number two is optoelectronics.
The Hsinchu Science Park said that the export to Malaysia is the most pesar increase is 88% in the first 8 months. Meanwhile ekpspor to Vietnam also increased rapidly. Although the new stand for 4 years, the level of revenue for the first eight months this year reached U.S. $ 4.89 billion, and predicted they would reach U.S. $ 7.5 billion at the end of this year. And the value of revenue next year will reach 11.2 billion by the amount of 110 manufacturing.
Nulai production this year will reach the figure of U.S. $ 16.2 billion owing to a very large demand for the sector of communication, and digital electronics products cosumer