Sunday, November 16, 2008

Two Oil Companies in Riau, Indonesia Make New Well drilling

INDONESIA, (PEKANBARU): Currently 2 oil and gas companies in Riau are drilling of two new wells. Each of PT Petro do the drilling in the area of River Apit as much as 2 wells, and Sumatra Persada Energy conduct drilling in Rokan Hilir one of the wells.

The head of BP Migas Berwakilan North Sumatra (Sumbangut) in Mulayawan of Pekanbaru, finding new oil wells this course will increase oil production in Riau. "Production of new oil wells, later adding that the amount of crude oil production of Riau," he said.
It is said that the two companies have to report to the BP Migas Sumbagut that they will do against drilling new wells. "This is certainly a good news for us, because with such a decrease in oil production can be more zooms Riau," he added.
The future until 2009 is estimated to have 7 new wells are being exploited by oil companies in Riau. Although production later only about 5,000 barrels per day, but the amount is sufficient as well.
"While the production of new oil wells that only 5,000 barrels per day, but can reduce the decline in oil production angkan Riau overall," he said. With new oil wells berproduksinya it, it means the numbers will increase oil production Riau, "he added.