Boeing - manufacturer of commercial aircraft passengers said, will be laid off thousands of employees to 30 since the terrorist attacks last week involving a passenger plane that dibajak. Boeing is the company's statement, issued Tuesday night, stated, the reduction in staff will be made to face the changing business environment. Attacks that prohibit all aircraft flying during the week and frightening that many passengers will be flying. Company flight of United, Continental and U.S. Airways already-announced plan to reduce the more than 40 thousand jobs, and other airlines threaten to act the same. White House ready to send the proposed aid package to Congress to help the aircraft industry, which he said require at least 20 billion dollars to help avoid bankruptcy. The United States shares closed again on Tuesday, second day of trading since the terrorist attacks last week.
Previously, the United States minister of Transportation, Norman Mineta said the government hopes to set up a rescue package for the airlines United States early next week. He raised This completes the discussion at the White House today between government officials, leaders, leaders of Congress and the executive company-major United States airlines. Many details are not known, but the flight was said to need support at least 20 billion dollars. Mineta said, the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington last week disadvantage companies that flight 250 to 300 million dollars a day. Without the assistance the Federal Government of United States airlines is predicted to declare themselves bankrupt start and ask for some protection in the coming days. Last week a number of major United States airlines such as Continental and Delta announced plans to reduce dismiss employees and flight services. Disruption in air travel threatens the survival of the airline company also harm the United States and European airlines.