Sunday, November 16, 2008

Iraq Open Tender drilling Natural Gas

Jakarta: Minister of the Iraqi oil industry Hussain al-Shahristani invite local companies and foreign oil for the auction contract penggarapan natural gas fields in the area of Sunny which is located in the western part of Iraq.

The ministry official site on Sunday (23 / 3) mentioned that the deadline for the delivery of the proposal to tender for the management of the Akkas gas field ends on 24 April future. Natural gas fields is located in Anbar Province. Akkas gas fields is estimated to save more natural gas reserves of 2.15 trillion cubic feet.

Most Iraqi oil drilling sites located in the northern Kurdish region and the Shiite south. Akkas field development is expected to increase the joy of the economy in Sunni areas. In the early stages Akkas field could be in production to 50 million cubic feet per day and will increase to 500 million cubic feet per day in the next stage. The results of drilling can be flowed through Syria to Europe.

Iraq is a country where the third largest oil reserves in the world with the estimation of oil reserves of 115 billion barrels and 112 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.


United States companies remain interested in Indonesia

Jakarta, Oct. 27, 2008 - Some 25 companies from USA have expressed their willingness to do ekpansi and transfer of business to Indonesia, as an effort to secure the business activities of their impact on global financial crisis.

Minister of Industry, Fahmi Idris to Xinhua on Wednesday and said, companies are interested to move usahnya activities to countries that are not affected by the impact of the current global crisis.

These companies are Dow Chemical, General Electric, Monsanto Corp., Pfizer, ConocoPhilips, Johnsons and the Johnsons, Microsoft and Oracle. Meanwhile, Guardian, and Marathon Oil will make new investment in Indonesia.

According to Fahmi, Guardian investment plan of $ 150 million for the production of "flat-mirror" while Monsanto will invest as much as $ 12 million to procure seeds.


Founder of the "AP" Selling Company Shares

Founder of Agent Provocateur, Serena Rees and Joe Corre sell company stock in their clothes. Shares that they release 60 million worth of poudsterling.

Decisions to sell their shares is the effort to save financial companies. They are also ultimately not work together again in the company, such as the Financial Times reported.

"We are experiencing difficulties pengujung in the financial years ago. No longer may we continue with this business," said Core to a local print media.

"One of us should go," said Corre, write Female First, Saturday (17/11/2007).

They still have a few shares, though most have been selling shares of the company. The remaining shares not more than 10 percent. Next, they will not participate in the way companies manage it again.

At the beginning of this week "AP" was the Vahina Giocante as the icon for the third collection given the name of "The Adventures of Miss AP." Giocante replace the previous icon Catherine Bailey.


PT Indah Continent Group sale of assets

Pontianak, milling company PT Indah Continent Group promised in October will pay the salaries of 3,200 workers have not been paid for 3.5 months. To pay the salaries of the workers the company will sell assets that can be sold quickly.

This raised Personnel and General Manager of PT Indah Continent Group (BIG) Darwis Abubakar to the Kompas in Pontianak, Friday (1 / 10). "Sales of these assets is also to meet obligations to the employees of other companies, such as holiday allowances in full," he said.

Dervish discloses, for the delay in payment of salaries of workers 3.5 months, the company still pay 50 percent of salary each. To pay the salaries of 3,200 workers, the company spent around Rp 1.2 billion each month. If they paid full salary, the company issued a fund of Rp 2.4 billion.

"So it's not correct at all if the company does not pay their salaries. Only because the company does not operate, the company's difficulties to pay all their salaries," he said.

This company does not operate because it has not received permission from back surgery related to termination of the Forestry Department while the Forest Industry Primary Results Wood (IPHHK). The largest timber company in West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) is also frozen permits as Exporters Registered Forestry Products Industry (ETPIK).

According to the Darwis, in addition to the company to sell assets, Budiono Tan, the owner of the company, continue to work to the Department of Forestry to get permission to operate again. This step is adopted because PT BIG previously won the lawsuit in the State Justice Administration (PTUN) Jakarta related freezing EPTIK PT BIG.

Is 1.5 years

Based on data collected Kompas, difficulties in operating this company has been 1.5 years more. Namely freezing since EPTIK PT BIG issued the Director General of Foreign Trade Department of Trade and Industry on March 6 2003. EPTIK out on the freezing of that effort PT BIG PTUN law in Bangkok and win. Through the decision PTUN Jakarta No. 46/G-TUN / 2003 / PTUN Jakarta on 25 March 2003, the court ordered the Director General of Foreign Trade EPTIK the delay freezing.

West Kalimantan Governor Usman Ja'far had difficulties in the operation to help return the company by sending a letter to the Minister of Industry and Trade revoke the freezing EPTIK the BIG PT. In fact, along with the head of West Kalimantan's letter also issued a number 510/222 / PLN/2003 to ask for exemption of export in the name of PT BIG and the Office of West Kalimantan also SKSHH to support the export exemption request.

In addition to the Governor of West Kalimantan, the same request also posted Prijono Tjiptoherijanto, secretary of Vice President Hamzah Haz to Menperindag Rini MS Soewandi with the number of B-599. EPTIK issue has not been completed, the Minister of Forestry, through Decree No. 133/KPTS-II / 2003 PT IPHHK pause in the BIG River Adong, Moroto district.

Darwis said, while waiting for permit revocation freezing, the company operated only with the raw materials of wood that is up to March 2004. Since that company merumahkan thousands of employees. To retain workers, companies sell some assets as the company's heavy equipment.

"We also emphasize that no corporate interest of utilizing the employees do show some sense of this day. The company had tried to resolve the problem with this labor," he said.

Head Office of West Kalimantan Tri Budiarto said, the emergence of the problems foreign workers in West Kalimantan is now no relation to law enforcement against illegal logging.
According to the Tri Budiato, Fall timber company in West Kalimantan more because the system because of bad management is unable to adjust to the wood raw material supply is limited


Two Oil Companies in Riau, Indonesia Make New Well drilling

INDONESIA, (PEKANBARU): Currently 2 oil and gas companies in Riau are drilling of two new wells. Each of PT Petro do the drilling in the area of River Apit as much as 2 wells, and Sumatra Persada Energy conduct drilling in Rokan Hilir one of the wells.

The head of BP Migas Berwakilan North Sumatra (Sumbangut) in Mulayawan of Pekanbaru, finding new oil wells this course will increase oil production in Riau. "Production of new oil wells, later adding that the amount of crude oil production of Riau," he said.
It is said that the two companies have to report to the BP Migas Sumbagut that they will do against drilling new wells. "This is certainly a good news for us, because with such a decrease in oil production can be more zooms Riau," he added.
The future until 2009 is estimated to have 7 new wells are being exploited by oil companies in Riau. Although production later only about 5,000 barrels per day, but the amount is sufficient as well.
"While the production of new oil wells that only 5,000 barrels per day, but can reduce the decline in oil production angkan Riau overall," he said. With new oil wells berproduksinya it, it means the numbers will increase oil production Riau, "he added.


Pertamina reduce crude oil import

Jakarta: PT Pertamina will reduce imports of crude oil from overseas in line plan to get crude oil supply from the contractor for the results of the British Petroleum (BP) from the field, Arjuna, West Java.

Assistant Manager Programming Crude Oil Pertamina Nina Sulistyowati said there is a commitment from BP to procure crude oil by 250 thousand barrels per quarter starting early next year. "That will be done during a one-year contract," he told journalists at Anyer, Thursday (24/11).

According to Nina, the program for the purchase of crude oil from the contractor for the results is one of the efforts to reduce oil imports. Some of the results of other contractors are also interested, but they experienced because of obstacles have been committed by buyers overseas.

Nina added, with the purchase crude oil in the country, then Pertamina can save transportation costs. "If I buy from overseas transport costs high enough," he added.


Expectations Hsinchu Science Park is to become number 1 in the IC design

Hsinchu Science Park said that the production value of IC design will continue to grow by 40% and become number one in the world. The Hsinchu Science Park said that the value of revenue from January to August was U.S. $ 22:34 billion) rise as much as 3.36% disbanding with the previous year. With the value of revenue it can be seen that the production value of Taiwan IC design is sebensar U.S. $ 5,015 billion, up 24.85% as disbanding the previous year and at that time Taiwan has been ranked at number two.

IC design industry is the most revenuenya and in the sequence number one compared with the six other sector. Located in the order of number two is optoelectronics.

The Hsinchu Science Park said that the export to Malaysia is the most pesar increase is 88% in the first 8 months. Meanwhile ekpspor to Vietnam also increased rapidly. Although the new stand for 4 years, the level of revenue for the first eight months this year reached U.S. $ 4.89 billion, and predicted they would reach U.S. $ 7.5 billion at the end of this year. And the value of revenue next year will reach 11.2 billion by the amount of 110 manufacturing.

Nulai production this year will reach the figure of U.S. $ 16.2 billion owing to a very large demand for the sector of communication, and digital electronics products cosumer


ndian textile stronger dipasar Saudi Arabia.

A delegation of Indian textiles, which was organized by the Federation of Indian Export Organization, in the past week has been to visit Riyadh, Dammam and Jeddah. Indian textile export activity to the growing Saudi Arabia and increased 2-fold since years ago and currently reaches U.S. $ 200 juta.Selain woven textile, garment export continued to increase, especially the internationally. in addition to competitive prices, designs increasingly popular and increasingly good quality. The Indian textile businessman who participated in the delegation also offers a joint venture with Saudi Arabia. 15 companies that participated in this mission represent the multi-fiber products such as polyester, rayon, nylon and blended Fabrics. To meet international standards textiles, used modern equipment such as electronic cleaners, splicer and stringent quality control.


The crisis affected the China Toy Factory bankrupt

Beijing - Manufacturers of toys in China to export its products to the United States such as Mattel and Disney have to close the factory due to the global financial crisis.

"The reason why we close the factory because of our market share depends on the U.S.. Where the current U.S. economy anjlok middle," said one officer from the Human Resources Division of the Smart Union, Xu Xiaofang, such as the BBC This Friday (12/10/2008).

Employee salary increases, the price of raw materials, and the appreciation China's currency also contributed to the problem.

Smart Union announced the loss of up to USD25, 9 million in the first semester of this year. This is based on changes in shares of Hong Kong. This condition does not give clarity whether or temporarily stop production factories should close.

A newspaper in China said that the Smart Union has been selling products to the U.S., such as Mattel and Disney products.

"After the losers in the mid-year, the flow of money to be stagnating. The workers become the victims of this global financial tsunami," said the newspaper.

At this weekend newspapers in China reported that most of the exporters of toys losers due to the increase in the price of production, strengthening the yuan, and increased safety standards for toy products.

Some 3,631 or 52.7 percent of the company's toy manufacturer has come out of this business in the first seven months of 2008.

China is the country's largest exporter and manufacturer of toys. Based on customs data in China, the country is to send as much 17 billion toy to a number of countries in 2007


Local companies might go bankrupt

Boeing - manufacturer of commercial aircraft passengers said, will be laid off thousands of employees to 30 since the terrorist attacks last week involving a passenger plane that dibajak. Boeing is the company's statement, issued Tuesday night, stated, the reduction in staff will be made to face the changing business environment. Attacks that prohibit all aircraft flying during the week and frightening that many passengers will be flying. Company flight of United, Continental and U.S. Airways already-announced plan to reduce the more than 40 thousand jobs, and other airlines threaten to act the same. White House ready to send the proposed aid package to Congress to help the aircraft industry, which he said require at least 20 billion dollars to help avoid bankruptcy. The United States shares closed again on Tuesday, second day of trading since the terrorist attacks last week.

Previously, the United States minister of Transportation, Norman Mineta said the government hopes to set up a rescue package for the airlines United States early next week. He raised This completes the discussion at the White House today between government officials, leaders, leaders of Congress and the executive company-major United States airlines. Many details are not known, but the flight was said to need support at least 20 billion dollars. Mineta said, the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington last week disadvantage companies that flight 250 to 300 million dollars a day. Without the assistance the Federal Government of United States airlines is predicted to declare themselves bankrupt start and ask for some protection in the coming days. Last week a number of major United States airlines such as Continental and Delta announced plans to reduce dismiss employees and flight services. Disruption in air travel threatens the survival of the airline company also harm the United States and European airlines.


China's Law on Foreign Investors Stock Exchange

Beijing - China will encourage foreign companies its shares in the domestic market as part of efforts to increase foreign investment. Such explanations ministries of trade, Wednesday (23 / 4). China also encourages foreign companies to participate in the restructuring of large companies owned by the state.
Ministry said the investment by foreign companies, mainly expected in materials and manufacturing equipment, new materials.
Limiting investment is still done in the field of real estate, steel, cement and aluminum. China attracts U.S. $ 27.41 billion in foreign direct investment (FDI) in the first three months of this year, up 61 percent from the same period last year. Currently no foreign companies listed in China's stock exchanges, though some in the media speculate about NYSE Euronext, the parent of the New York Stock Exchange, likely to become the first foreign company there.


World oil price of U.S. $ 65

World oil prices touched the highest levels for more than three months of this, to reach U.S. $ 65 New York and 64 dollars in London, due to increased Geopolitical tensions in Iran and Nigeria.

The main New York contract, the price of crude oil in February, 1:46 jumped 65.38 dollars into dollars per barrel in electronic trading. The increase occurred earlier to 65.53 dollars the highest since Oct. 3 last year.

In London, the price of Brent crude North Sea for March delivery rose 95 cents to be 64.13 dollars per barrel. The February contract closed yesterday reached 62.93 dollars per barrel.

Tuesday, the March contract reached 64.28 dollars, the best level since 29 September last year.
"In trading Tuesday crude oil Brent North Sea and New York will rise to the front because of the start enrichment of Iran's nuclear program and problem in supply from Nigeria," said analysts from the Sucden Brokerage.


APEI meeting in the stock exchange investigation Earth

The members of the Association of Corporate Effect Indonesia (APEI) opened the meeting at 12:00 WIB since it considered not need to discuss about the shares of PT Bumi Resources Tbk (Bumi) in suspension longer.

Meeting also discussed about the Earth and the repo stock shares and the other group Bakrie impact on the company's overall effect.

Meeting held in the gallery space of building bei II tower this afternoon. The meeting started at 12:00 WIB since and ended at 14:35 WIB. Appear to present Director of PT Danareksa Harry Wiguna.

Head of Equity PT Yulie Sekurindo Tbk Supyan Affandi said one of the agenda discussed in the meeting was APEI is associated with the shares of Earth. However, he refused expanding far. Harry Wiguna, also mum.

Leaders meeting, namely the Chief General APEI Chaeruddin Hung from PT Mitra Investdana and Lydia Rivelly Azhar from PT Buana Capital. APEI is an association of companies that effects both the listing and not in the Indonesian Stock Exchange.

Agency managers APEI period 2005-2008 consists of the head of the general committee consisting of four general chairman. In addition Chaeruddin and Lydia, head of the general APEI other is Lily Widjaja of Indonesia's PT Merrill Lynch and FX. Supriyadi from PT Panin Capital. Lily appears Widjaya not in the meeting yesterday.

When ditemuai Business, a number of participants of the meeting rejected the comments. Harry Wiguna also tight-lipped, would not comment in regard to the results of the meeting was.


Two factories in Oil Palm Production Stop

Palembang - Threats termination of employment (lay) has started mass occurs. Proven, two palm oil mills in South Sumatra have stopped operations.

Meanwhile, tens to hundreds of thousands of workers daily casual (xingyuantianshi) other living affected lay waiting time. The condition is not improving as the impact of global financial crisis.
Chairman of the Joint Oil Palm Businessmen Indonesia (Gapki) Sumarjono Saragih said South Sumatra, currently two of 50 palm oil factories in South Sumatra Gapki members have stopped operations. The factory stopped operating because they do not get a buyer, while the tank is full penimbun stock.
While some factories have also reduced their production activities.


Two factories in Oil Palm Production Stop

Palembang - Threats termination of employment (lay) has started mass occurs. Proven, two palm oil mills in South Sumatra have stopped operations.

Meanwhile, tens to hundreds of thousands of workers daily casual (xingyuantianshi) other living affected lay waiting time. The condition is not improving as the impact of global financial crisis.
Chairman of the Joint Oil Palm Businessmen Indonesia (Gapki) Sumarjono Saragih said South Sumatra, currently two of 50 palm oil factories in South Sumatra Gapki members have stopped operations. The factory stopped operating because they do not get a buyer, while the tank is full penimbun stock.
While some factories have also reduced their production activities.


Cisco TelePresence, Improve Global Business Competition

Business people who need the freedom movement in the era of information technology (IT) at this time can be helped best by the presence of Cisco TelePresence. The progress of this technology will provide the ability to meet "in person" is charming and safe for business, an easy phone call.
Cisco worked closely with the provider-service provider for the development of Cisco TelePresence architecture inter-company. Cisco TelePresence combines advanced audio, video, high equipment and interactive collaboration with the network as a platform to generate a virtual meeting experience that has never been available before.
"Cisco TelePresence is a new product category with the most rapid growth in Cisco's history," said Tony Seno Hartono, Advanced Tech-nology Director, Cisco Systems Philippines. "The ability to inter-personal communication and interoperability features increase the list of benefits that can be taken in the business get the benefits of competition in the global business environment."
The ability to use Cisco TelePresence with complete security and quality of service between organizations allows organizations to benefit from the increasingly close relationship with customers, supply chain connections that the meetings, discussions, negotiations and personal customer service, or better, all remain friendly on the environment.
Cisco TelePresence is used by many organizations to speed decision making, improve cross-cultural communication, to measure the rare resources, and market products more quickly.
In addition to helping provider-service provider of commercial services for implementing Cisco TelePresence inter-company through a reference architecture that has been fully validated, Cisco also announced the ability to video conference with berinteroperasi based standards.


Leadership Style Paradise

According to Peter F Drucker, irrespective of the leadership not regard culture (the culture) that disandang by the dilayaninya. Culture that even appear as an integrated part in the overall leadership, the a kind commonly called a frame style (style), until there is a terminology leadership style of leadership style Japanese or Chinese or Western style of leadership and so on.
Leadership responsible for taking the mission of the institution dilayaninya, to operate based on cultural and leadership activities assigned to each manjadi productive work and to make every academic work, do so based napas, spirit and soul of culture. In managing the social impact and social responsibility, the existence and activities of institutions dilayaninya, do so in The leaders of the culture.

In East and Southeast Asia perhaps we can without doubt talk about Japanese culture, Korean culture, Chinese culture and culture of Indonesia in addition to the cultures of other, more local and regional nature. About the Indonesian culture, which, according to Ki Hadjar Dewantara is the peak from all areas of culture, which then interact each other and adapting slowly dissolve into one personality. Style of leadership that is taught Ki Hadjar Dewantara, 'Ing Ngarso Sung Tulodho, Ing Madyo Mangun Karso, Tut Wuri Handayani', namely in the future should have, in the middle of must support and must follow behind, is one style of leadership with the cultural foundation of Indonesia .
We also know the style of leadership mba Brata, the leadership has the nature of the sun, moon, stars, wind, fire, clouds, ocean and earth. Leaders who have the nature of the sun, should be able to give a fervent spirit and strength of spirit to the children fruit.
Leaders with the nature of the month, should be interesting, providing a beautiful work atmosphere, and association, and appears to make light of the darkness.
Leaders who have the nature of stars, must be able to provide the correct direction for an organization or a travel institutions. Leaders must also have the nature of the wind. He should be able to communicate with the good, capable and motivated children can fill the shortage of fruit expression with soothing words, not disapprovingly. Leaders with the nature of the fire, can behave firmly, without perceiving the guilty downy minute without hesitating. The nature of the cloud has a strong authority, at once respected beloved people. Leaders must also have the nature of ocean and earth. Namely leaders must be able to accommodate all the problems, remain patient and calm in providing solutions. He also must be resolute and strong foundation but also ready to hear from any input to be considered.
History proves that the storm hiding and the period of time, not able to change the basic principle-agent culture. Namely the belief in the Dzat the Most High, the Almighty Creator and togetherness in the context kegotongroyongan. But sociologically, the basic culture of leadership is the leadership of Indonesia paguyuban.
Messenger PBUH said "Allah created Adam, with eight children nature. Four experts to the nature of heaven, namely that sweet face, a fluent oral, sacred hearts and hands that provide assistance, and the nature of the four experts for the Fire, which is a certain kind of face glum, the vile speech, a hard heart, hands that would not membantuî . Leaders on morals with a sweet face, a fluent oral, sacred hearts and hands that give aid is a Leadership Style Paradise