Pontianak, milling company PT Indah Continent Group promised in October will pay the salaries of 3,200 workers have not been paid for 3.5 months. To pay the salaries of the workers the company will sell assets that can be sold quickly.
This raised Personnel and General Manager of PT Indah Continent Group (BIG) Darwis Abubakar to the Kompas in Pontianak, Friday (1 / 10). "Sales of these assets is also to meet obligations to the employees of other companies, such as holiday allowances in full," he said.
Dervish discloses, for the delay in payment of salaries of workers 3.5 months, the company still pay 50 percent of salary each. To pay the salaries of 3,200 workers, the company spent around Rp 1.2 billion each month. If they paid full salary, the company issued a fund of Rp 2.4 billion.
"So it's not correct at all if the company does not pay their salaries. Only because the company does not operate, the company's difficulties to pay all their salaries," he said.
This company does not operate because it has not received permission from back surgery related to termination of the Forestry Department while the Forest Industry Primary Results Wood (IPHHK). The largest timber company in West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) is also frozen permits as Exporters Registered Forestry Products Industry (ETPIK).
According to the Darwis, in addition to the company to sell assets, Budiono Tan, the owner of the company, continue to work to the Department of Forestry to get permission to operate again. This step is adopted because PT BIG previously won the lawsuit in the State Justice Administration (PTUN) Jakarta related freezing EPTIK PT BIG.
Is 1.5 years
Based on data collected Kompas, difficulties in operating this company has been 1.5 years more. Namely freezing since EPTIK PT BIG issued the Director General of Foreign Trade Department of Trade and Industry on March 6 2003. EPTIK out on the freezing of that effort PT BIG PTUN law in Bangkok and win. Through the decision PTUN Jakarta No. 46/G-TUN / 2003 / PTUN Jakarta on 25 March 2003, the court ordered the Director General of Foreign Trade EPTIK the delay freezing.
West Kalimantan Governor Usman Ja'far had difficulties in the operation to help return the company by sending a letter to the Minister of Industry and Trade revoke the freezing EPTIK the BIG PT. In fact, along with the head of West Kalimantan's letter also issued a number 510/222 / PLN/2003 to ask for exemption of export in the name of PT BIG and the Office of West Kalimantan also SKSHH to support the export exemption request.
In addition to the Governor of West Kalimantan, the same request also posted Prijono Tjiptoherijanto, secretary of Vice President Hamzah Haz to Menperindag Rini MS Soewandi with the number of B-599. EPTIK issue has not been completed, the Minister of Forestry, through Decree No. 133/KPTS-II / 2003 PT IPHHK pause in the BIG River Adong, Moroto district.
Darwis said, while waiting for permit revocation freezing, the company operated only with the raw materials of wood that is up to March 2004. Since that company merumahkan thousands of employees. To retain workers, companies sell some assets as the company's heavy equipment.
"We also emphasize that no corporate interest of utilizing the employees do show some sense of this day. The company had tried to resolve the problem with this labor," he said.
Head Office of West Kalimantan Tri Budiarto said, the emergence of the problems foreign workers in West Kalimantan is now no relation to law enforcement against illegal logging.
According to the Tri Budiato, Fall timber company in West Kalimantan more because the system because of bad management is unable to adjust to the wood raw material supply is limited